Karen Smith
what do you do for fun
Brunch with my husband!
Favorite move and why
Mega Plank to Pike! I love it because I remember being a new client and I was too intimidated or exhausted to try it the first few workouts but once I built strength & courage and gave it a try I felt so strong and empowered! I had to take breaks at first but now I can do Mega Plank to Pike like a boss!
One word that describes you
My Story
Oh! My story?! It is one of adventure, hardships, endurance & triumph (so far)! Adventure led me to live in an orphanage, for a year, in Argentina! I spoke no Spanish on arrival but by necessity learned to speak fluently! I then moved to Mexico where I studied & lived for 4 years. I escaped an abusive marriage & walked my daughters through years of addiction; that is the hardship part. The triumph? My daughters are free & thriving & I have the honor to walk alongside other woman who are experiencing a similar journey.